CNN: Certified Nephrology Nurse

Offered By:
Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC)
East Holly Avenue
Box 56
Pitman, NJ 08071-0056
856.256.2321 (Voice)
856.589.7463 (Fax)
888.884.6622 (Toll Free)

CNN Eligibility Criteria
The applicant must hold a full and unrestricted license as a registered nurse in the United States, or its territories.
The applicant must have a minimum of 3000 hours of nephrology nursing experience as a registered nurse in a clinical, administrative, teaching, or research capacity, within three years prior to submitting this application. Effective January 1, 2015, if working in an outpatient hemodialysis facility, at least 750 hours (25%) of the 3,000 hours of experience must also include one or more of the areas: home dialysis, home peritoneal dialysis, inpatient acute injury on kidney replacement therapy, inpatient critical care on kidney replacement therapy, CKD management NOT on kidney replacement therapy, kidney transplant, or apheresis.
The applicant must possess a Baccalaureate in Nursing or a Master’s in Nursing Degree.
The applicant must have completed thirty contact hours of approved continuing education credit in nephrology nursing within three years prior to submitting this application.
Continuing education must be approved by one of the following:
Organizations accredited by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center – Commission on Accreditation (ANCC-COA) the credentialing body of the American Nurses Association. For example, The American Nephrology Nurses’ Association (ANNA), which is both an accredited provider and approver of CE in nursing.
The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN).
The Council of Continuing Education.
California, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, or Ohio State Boards of Nursing.
Please be aware that although programs may meet requirements set forth by other state boards of nursing, they may not meet the Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission criteria.
Exam Fee: CNN
$350 (non-member)
$300 (ANNA, NOVA, ASN, NFK Member)
$50 (Optional Expedited Review fee)
Application Submission:
This application must be submitted to:
PO Box 56
Pitman, NJ 08071-0056
Exam Scheduling:
Your application must first be approved before scheduling an exam. Once approved, you will be emailed a link allowing you to choose and exam date, time and location. Simply follow the link to book your exam. All exams are offered in the Computer-Based Test (CBT) format. To find a CBT site near you, click the “Test Sites” button at the top of this website.